Thursday, April 25, 2013

Several Factors on Which IVF Success Rate Depend

IVF or In Vitro Fertilization is considered as a most successful and best infertility treatment available for childless couples. It is widely accepted term in medical science which refers to the combination of male’s sperm with female’s egg in laboratory in order to establish fertilization outside the uterus. IVF is the recommendable procedure for couples having issues related to fallopian tubes such as blocked or damaged fallopian tubes, man with minor sperm problem and if your age is more than 40 years and you could not conceive after trying at least 2 years of unprotected intercourse.

If we talk about the success rate of in vitro fertilization, than it’s really higher than any other ART (assisted reproductive technique) technologies and that is the reason it is highly recommendable by experts, in case when couples cannot conceive even after adopting all other methods or when other methods have failed. However it does not mean that it is a method with 100% success rate. IVF is a medical establishment, not a magic, therefore some factors are there on which the success rate of this successful infertility treatment procedure depends.

The estimated number of women who get pregnant in their first cycle is around 27% and approx 57% of women will get pregnant after their third cycle and this rate increases with the increase number of cycles as nearly 80% of women will get pregnant after sixth IVF cycle. This statistics show that there are several factors on which actual success rate of IVF depends.

Age is the foremost factor that decides the success rate of establishing pregnancy through this procedure. The quality of your egg is very much depends on your age. Woman between the age of 30 to 35 years old have best quality eggs and as our age increases, the quality of eggs decrease. The estimated percentage of women getting pregnant under 35 years of age is around 50% from IVF and this rate drops down to 25% just half if the age is 40 to 45 years. After 30 years of age, our egg quality starts declining and after 35 years, it starts drop down sharply.

In in vitro method, sperm quality matters the same as of egg quality. So it is necessary to use good healthy sperm in the procedure. The timing of transferring the embryos in the female’s uterus or the ovulation timing is another protocol which needs consideration. Normally the woman undergo through this method do not ovulate yourself and in this situation, doctors need to be very careful around the ovulation time is induced. 
Other factors that affect its success are lifestyle, weight, smoking and alcohol. So before going through any kind of treatment, it is advisable to consult its related facts with your specialist.

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