Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Natural Ways to Bring on Labor – Delhi IVF and Fertility Research Centre

Can’t wait another minute to carry your baby in your arms rather than in your womb? Well natural inducing labor is safe as long as you don’t consider trying to begin your labor until you are around 40 weeks pregnant. Sometimes due date can be inaccurate by few weeks or days and if you start labor before 40 weeks might be you give birth to the baby who is yet not ready to thrive outside the womb. As there are several things you can do to make have contraction and start labor, but remember they will only work when your body and baby is ready. Because if body is not ready, no matter how much you try, it will only frustrate you.

In this article, I’m sharing some natural ways or methods that help you to begin your labor however, it is advisable to use caution when trying any of these natural ways, especially herbs and nipple stimulation.
  • Acupuncture may be the effective way in bringing on labor. With the insertion of needles into specific points of your body, the energy stimulates within the body to act on a specific body function or system. Generally it is considered late safe in pregnancy. 
  •   Being relaxation will help. If you are worried, tense and trying hard to start labor, it will not begin in any way. Take professional massage and do something special or interesting for you with the only goal to being relaxed. 
  • Having sex is one of the most considered tricks to begin labor because the semen has a hormone, involved in the start of labor. Mostly women are not in mood to have sex in late pregnancy, well little love activities can help too. 
  • Walking can also help get things going, if you have contractions, but are not yet in labor. In addition standing upright, means you are using gravity to move the baby down into the pelvis. 
  •  Eat pineapple that contains enzyme which helps to soften your cervix and bring on labor. It could also stimulate your uterus if you are eating it in large amount that will stimulate your tummy as well.
  • You can try herbal remedies such as black and blue cohosh that are much stronger than homeopathic remedies. But it is good to begin with caution. If you are looking to integrate alternate therapy into your health care, it is advisable to consult with your doctor. 
  •  Try to stimulate your nipples. It is when you gently rub or roll your nipples to encourage that start of contractions. In this way, oxytocin releases that cause contractions which sometimes evolve into labor
  •  Castor oil can also be helpful as it stimulates your tummy and therefore stimulates your uterus and bring on labor.
  • To make the cervix thin and dilate and prep it for labor, primrose oil can also be suggested for pregnant women. 
  • If you love spicy food, can it also jump start your labor. Well some people believe that spicy food irritates your intestine and thus cause contractions and bring on labor. 
Delhi-IVF Fertility & Research Centre is a well- known IVF and Surrogacy clinic, specialize in each and every aspect of infertility offering IUI, IVF- ICSI, Egg Donation, Surrogate Motherhood and Natural infertility treatments.

Tuesday, December 5, 2017

IVF solution for Old Age

Modern women are more career oriented, independent and don’t want to get married in her early age. All this reasons lead to the increase of infertility in today’s women. Some are delaying childbearing due to various reasons and as a result more couples will be seeking pregnancy after the age of 35. Moreover these couples want to complete their family in short period of time. One of the most striking achievements of the modern day gynecological science and health technology is the concept of breathed new life among the number of childless couples across the world. It is a fact that millions of couples have already benefited from this resource and many couple can look forward to enjoy parenthood even in the older age.

The concept of IVF is not a new phenomenon and its widespread selection indicates its benefits and usage which is very easy as now. According to the research and studies, it is found that fertility rate is much higher in younger age as comparison in older age. The major reason is the quality of eggs. When couples are naturally trying to conceive the pregnancy that reduces the chances of success is related to the quality of eggs. Eggs quality is the most critical factor involved in determining the quality of embryos in pregnancy. Records do suggest that women well into their sixties have had the chance of experiencing motherhood purely by the natural process of propagation.

In case of dealing with damaged or deformed fallopian tubes and poor quality of sperm that prohibits the fertilization process, IVF treatment is the most acceptable. In artificial methodology, the female eggs are first fertilized in lab and then placed into the womb for further development and for birth through the natural route. It is well known that success rates for IVF decreases substantially for older women that typically results in more treatment cycles. At the age of 45, there is less chance of getting pregnant at all and then at least 50% chance of miscarrying. The success rate of IVF solution between 40 and 45 is averaged out at ten percent but really starts at this and diminishes dramatically each year and this is the reason why many clinics will not perform a cycle for women over 42 using their own eggs.

There are several drawbacks of late pregnancy like your baby will be 20 when you may be almost done with your age and life, potential success rate had practically goes half and the miscarriage rate had risen by fifty percent that may also bad for your own health. One cannot manage her body growth which decreases the eggs quality as age increases for fertility. We suggest all women and couples to take fast decision to start their family before it gets very late.