Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Fear Of IVF

BIRTH defects caused by in-vitro fertilisation are up to twice as common as previously thought, according to international researchers.

IVF Babies Have Problems or They are Damaged. Contrary to popular belief, IVF babies are born just as healthy as babies conceived naturally. Many people buy into the IVF myth that babies created in a laboratory will be in some way defective. However, in the decades that IVF has been practiced this theory has never been proven true.

Fear of wight gain/loss. The chance of having a baby through IVF is risky. According to the American Society for Reproductive Medicine (ASRM), the average live delivery rate for IVF in 2007 was 39.9 percent per retrieval. And there is no risk

This is an exclusive quality of Delhi-IVF staff and doctors. We literally work like a family here right from Dr. Anoop Gupta to his wife Mrs. Alka Gupta (Embryologist) Dr. Deeksha Tyagi, sister Jancy, Marriamma, Virgin, Jomol, Darsana, Pawan and Mrs. Kalra. Whom so ever you meet and get a IVF done, they will remember you by your first name.

By chance you do not succeed in your first attempt, they will all be there by your side to give you a moral and emotional support and boost you further for the next cycle. You yourself will become a part of our family at DIFC.

We have full service and treatment for Infertility and provide care at every level. We understand the emotional need of infertile couples.