Now a days as people are getting married in OLD age so the family start late and some time late thirty and forty. Forty may be the new thirty and fifty may be the new forty but nobody told our reproductive systems.
There is no formal way and system to give education And never has society provided more assistance in convincing us of our new younger status, via the mega industries of cosmetic enhancement and reproductive assistance.
IVF and Botox are not the way to get Baby and cosmetical anhancement but the final alternative if can not be achieved normally. Botox is to the face what IVF is to the ovaries - they both involve needles, both hurt like hell but one has a far greater success rate. No prizes for guessing which one. It's far easier in your forties to look like Nicollette Sheridan than to reproduce like Cherie Blair. And the success rates with IVF, the most assisted of assisted reproductive techniques, is negligibly more than natural rates.
For instance at 45, there is a one percent chance of getting pregnant at all and then at least a fifty percent chance of miscarrying. The chances of IVF success between 40 and 45 is averaged out at ten percent but really starts at this and diminishes dramatically each year which is why many clinics will not perform a cycle for women over 42 using their own eggs. Whatever be the case, money or time shoudl not stop you to take fast decsion to start family.
One more drawback of late pregnancy is that your baby will be 20 when you may be almost done with your age and life.By the time you go on fresh rounds of IVF at the age of 41, having succeeded at 38, potential success rate had practically goes half and the potential miscarriage rate had risen by fifty percent and that also bad for yoyr own health.
You can manage time and fix clock any way but but our eggs remain the same and our body system will be same. We suggest all woment or couples to take fast decision to start the family before it get very late and assume that in future more women will freeze their eggs when young, having learnt from a generation of women who found themselves, via modern circumstance, able to rid themselves of frown lines but unable to conceive a child
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