Delhi IVF & Fertility Centre specializes in infertility management and is a multi speciality state of the ART Centre, comprising of Gynaecologists Embryologists, Ultra Sonologists, Urologists and Andrologists. The team at our Centre has already delivered more than 6000 ART babies by the Advanced Reproductive Techniques till March 2012 and 450 Surrogacy procedures till 2012. To insure state of the art, skills and techniques, the team maintains constant interaction with Premier IVF and Research Centres globally.
Dr. Anoop Kr. Gupta (M.D.)
Medical Director & Infertility Specialist Dr. Geeta Kinra MD (AIIMS), MNAMS, FICMCH, MICOG Obstetrician & Gynecologist ( High risk pregnancy Dr. Sudesh Kamath (Ph.D) Chief Embryologist Visiting Consultant Formerly at Jaslok Hospital, Mumbai Dr. A. Banerjee (M.S.) Andrologist Dr. Neelam Aggarwal (M.R.C.O.G.) Consultant Obs. & Gynaecologist Dr. S. Chadha (M.Ch.Urology) Male Infertility Specialist Dr. K. K. S. Gupta (Chief Anasthesist) Dr. Natalie Van Berg
Visiting embryologist from Australia