Some women are unable to carry a child to term. A variety of causes account for this, including failure of the embryo to implant, repeated miscarriage, hysterectomy or a pelvic disorder. Some women experience problems such as dangerously high blood pressure, a heart condition or liver disease, so that pregnancy would entail a serious health risk for them.
Who can Opt?
IVF Surrogacy
1. Women whose ovaries are producing eggs but they do not have a uterus. For e.g., in the following cases:
a) Congenital absence of uterus (Mullerian agenesis)
b) Surgical removal of the uterus (hysterectomy) due to cancer, severe hemorrhage in Caesarian section or a ruptured uterus.
2. Woman whose uterus is malformed (unicornuate uterus, T shaped uterus, bicornuate uterus with rudimentary horn) or damaged uterus (T.B of the endometrium, severe Asherman's Syndrome) or at high risk of rupture, (previous uterine surgeries for rupture uterus or fibroid uterus) and is unable to carry pregnancy to term can also be recommended IVF surrogacy.
3. Women who have repeated miscarriages or have repeated failed IVF cycles may be advised IVF surrogacy in view of unexplained factors which could be responsible for failed implantation and early pregnancy wastage.
4. Women who suffer from medical problems like diabetes, cardio-vascular disorders, or kidney diseases like chronic nephritis, whose long term prospect for health is good but pregnancy would be life threatening.
5. Woman with Rh incompatibility.
Traditional Surrogacy
1. A Women who have no functioning ovaries due to premature ovarian failure. Here Egg Donation also can be an option.
2. A woman who is at a risk of passing a genetic disease to her offspring may also opt for traditional surrogacy.
Some people may come to terms with their childlessness. Others may find adoption or fostering an acceptable alternative, although this option is limited by the number of babies and children offered for adoption. For others surrogacy may be seen as a possible solution. Because surrogacy involves another person taking on the risks of pregnancy, it is only acceptable as a last resort, where it is impossible or very dangerous for the intended mother to carry a child herself.
Sometimes people speculate about women taking part in surrogacy arrangements, although capable of bearing children themselves, because they wish to avoid the physical, social, psychological or financial drawbacks of bearing a child themselves. There is no evidence to suggest that this happens in India and it would not be seen as an acceptable use of a surrogacy arrangement.