The reasons why some patients fail multiple IVF cycles could be very complex, and it may be difficult to find an answer despite extensive workups. In this article, I will discuss the most common reasons why embryos may not implant, the testing that can be done in an effort to find an answer, and some of the potential treatment options available
for what has been called “recurrent implantation failure”. In general, the underlying cause for IVF failure can be attributed to problems with the embryos, the uterine environment, or the patient’s immune system.
As women get older, the quality of their eggs declines and the resulting embryos are more likely to have chromosomal abnormalities. Embryos that don’t carry a normal chromosomal component are likely to be lost soon after implantation or do not implant at all.
A thickening of the zona pellucida (the egg shell) can occur in some patients associated with advanced age, high FSH, or recurrent implantation failure. For those patients, the embryologist in the lab can create a small opening in the egg shell utilizing a technique called assisted hatching, which may help the embryo escape and implant. Using the same technique, skilled embryologists can also remove fragments (cellular debris between the cells) from “poor quality” embryos, improving their potential for implantation.
In some couples, the poor quality of the ir embryos can be also attributed to a male factor. Although the sperm contribution to embryonic development is generally more difficult to assess, a few tests are available that could help identify those cases of male factor with a low probability of achieving a successful outcome. There is some evidence
that high sperm DNA fragmentation is associated with reduced fertility potential, and it can be detected with the SCSA (sperm chromatin structure assay) or the SDD (sperm decondensation assay).
The immune system has been implicated in some cases of pregnancy failure, particularly for patients with recurrent pregnancy loss. Using the same logic, many investigators believe that a number of patients who fail to become pregnant after IVF are actually experiencing a very early loss due to immunological problems, before the pregnancy can be recognized. This topic still remains very controversial, as does the value of the different tests and the treatments advocated to treat the autoimmune disorders.
There are many more Biological Disorder or May be mixed effect of many problem. LIT (Lymphocyte Immunization Therapy) - Lymphocyte immune therapy is used in women with recurrent spontaneous abortions. Or some time IVF Failure also.
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