Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Reasons to have IVF treatment at Delhi -IVF

There are many IVF clinic coming up every day in India and its very hard for patients to choose right Doctor and Clinic. Many time they ask why DELHI IVF.

My Reply to this is "EXPERIANCE COUNTS more then the DECOR"

The clinic started in 1994 by Dr. Indra Hinduja Pioneer of IVF in India.

Yes many of patients realy seek information about:

Size of Clinic : We have good size clinic with required facilities. Even a Big Hospital has same size of Facility or less then this for IVF alone.
BedSize and Cleaning : As we usnerstand that IVF need most clean anvironment to avoide any infection or problem. So we take care of this at TOP level.
Clinical skills: Our Records and experiance tell you this. We are the Oldest and with best results ever.

Reputation, Trust and transparency: As we are Oldest In delhi, people trust us and we have proven track record to justify the same.

We also have:

  • Psychological counseling - This help to Half the battle to won.
  • All under one roof facilities. You need not to run for tests and medicines.
  • State fo art latest equipments and technology.
  • Personal Care, emotional touch of staff members.
  • Best located and We are centrally located and surrounded with many of tourist places.
  • We have high success rate and rated top IVF clinics in India.
  • 14 year of experience.
  • We take extra care for hygiene, cleanliness- DO NOT worry about HIV & other acquired infections.
  • We work ourselves and your treatment will be done by the same doctor at all stages so he/she understand you better.

A shoulder to cry on - If you fail or have fear.

Delhi IVF and Fertility Research Centre in Delhi India is a super-specialty center, under one roof, devoted solely to the management of childlessness. The Clinic offers economic services conforming to world class standards. It is also catering to patients from around the world.

The facility compares well with the best available centre anywhere in the world, in terms of both equipment and personnel.
No effort is spared at the clinic to identify the specific cause of infertility in each case and to overcome it. After group consultation, treatment is advised and followed through. Diagnosis and treatment at the clinic are both based on sound scientific principle's with close attention paid to the individual requirements of the couples.

Above all what is more important is the END RESULT which is priceless.

Monday, December 20, 2010

Growing Need Of IVF!!!

The number of IVF procedures performed in Australia and New Zealand has almost doubled in the four years between 2004 and 2008 and Still growing.

In India also the need of IVF treatment is increasing due to urbanization and some people opt it for quick solution. The number of babies born following ART treatments is also on the up, growing by great per cent between 2008 and 2010.

In some places like UK, Australia it is due to a voluntary shift in practice by clinicians and patients to single embryo transfer and so some time people go for Multiple IVF treatments. "It is significant because multiple births can result in increased health risks to both mothers and babies."

In India till now there is no law to bind doctors for number of ET. But as a good doctor normally it is not more then 2. Only in case of very low response in first IVF cycle, they might choose 3.

Another reason for growing IVF treatment Specially in India is cost. Due to low cost good IVF clinics like DELHI IVF by DR. Anoop Gupta, with state of art facilities and proven track record.

Another reason can be that many people take IVF as Medical tourism option also. So that way they can go on vacation along with best treatment options.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Fear Of IVF

BIRTH defects caused by in-vitro fertilisation are up to twice as common as previously thought, according to international researchers.

IVF Babies Have Problems or They are Damaged. Contrary to popular belief, IVF babies are born just as healthy as babies conceived naturally. Many people buy into the IVF myth that babies created in a laboratory will be in some way defective. However, in the decades that IVF has been practiced this theory has never been proven true.

Fear of wight gain/loss. The chance of having a baby through IVF is risky. According to the American Society for Reproductive Medicine (ASRM), the average live delivery rate for IVF in 2007 was 39.9 percent per retrieval. And there is no risk

This is an exclusive quality of Delhi-IVF staff and doctors. We literally work like a family here right from Dr. Anoop Gupta to his wife Mrs. Alka Gupta (Embryologist) Dr. Deeksha Tyagi, sister Jancy, Marriamma, Virgin, Jomol, Darsana, Pawan and Mrs. Kalra. Whom so ever you meet and get a IVF done, they will remember you by your first name.

By chance you do not succeed in your first attempt, they will all be there by your side to give you a moral and emotional support and boost you further for the next cycle. You yourself will become a part of our family at DIFC.

We have full service and treatment for Infertility and provide care at every level. We understand the emotional need of infertile couples.

Friday, September 24, 2010

FAQ to Preimplantation Genetic Diagnos Performed (PGD)

Who would be benefited by PGD?

Couples with a history of recurrent miscarriage.
Women with history of repeated IVF failures
Family history of with genetic abnormality like beta thalassemai
previously affected child with genetic abnormailty like downs syndrome
known carriers of genetic defects like chromosome translocations.
women who have had to undergo repeated terminations because od an abnormality diagnosed prenatal.
couples morally and religiously opposed to termination of affected pregnancies diagnosed prenatal.
In couples with severe male factor infertility.

How is PGD diff from other prenatal diagnostic techniques?
There are various prenantal diagnostic techniques which presently help in the detection of certain genetic disorders in the fetus. These includes :
1- Chronic Villus biopsy (doen at 10-12 weeks of gestation)
2- Amniocentesis (done at 16-18 weeks if gestation)
Cordocentesis (done at 20-22 weeks of gestation)

The main genetic disorders tested include

1- cytogenetic anomalies i.e structural & numerical chromosomal abnormalities - diagnosed by karyotyping or FISH
2- Molecular genetic disrders i.e single gene disorders - diagnosed by PCR

As opposed to these prenetal diagnostic techniques, in PGD, the diagnostic techniques like FISH & PCR can be performed on the blastomere obtained from the embryo prior to implantaion. PGD thus helps to obviote the physical, emotional & psychological trauma assosiated with termination of pregnancy.

What is FISH?
FISH is molecular cytogenesis technique, which can be performed in non-dividing inter phase cells. FISH involves a chromosome specific fluorescently labeled DNA probes to hybridize to complementary genomic DNA. the signals are visualized using a fluorescene microscope. In case of normal diploid cell. tow signals are send for each chromosome. Presence of one signal for the chromosome being analyzed suggests monosomy and presence of three signals for the chromosome indicated trisome. FISH is rapid, reliable and useful genetic diagnostic test.

Which disorders can be diagnosed by FISH?
FISH can be used for

1- Detection of aneuploidies (numerical abnormalities)
2- Detection of translocations (structural abnormalities)
3- Sexing of the embryo (for x-linked disorders)

In PGD, which chromosomes are usually tested by FISH analysis?
the chromosomes most commonly tested include chromosomes 12, 18, 21, X & Y. The other chromosomes can be tested as and when indicated.

Incase of translocations in either of the parents specific to the patient need to be ordered.

What is PCR?
PCR is a powerful molecular diagnostic technique that allows in vitro amplification of a particular DNA fragmant, allowing generation of millions of copies in a short duration.

Which disorders can be diagnosed by PCR?
PCR is useful in the disgnosis of single gene disorders like beta thalassemia, cystic fibrosos, Ducchenne's muscular dystrophy, etc.

Can PGD be used for sex selection?
PGD can be used for proconception sex selection at the embryonic stage. according to the prenatal diagnostic techniques act, 1994, sexing of embryos is prohibited in India. However sexing of embryos can be performed for medical indications as in case of X linked disorders, where only female embtos (normal or carriers) may be tranfered.

What may be the problems encountered during performing PGD?
- Th case the embryo has started compacting, then it may be difficuilt to perform teh embryo biopsy.
- The cell may be lost during the procedure of embryo biopsy.
- The cell may be lost during fixation of cell on teh slide.
-The FISH signals may not be clear/ overlapping / split in some cases, making the diagnosis difficuilt.
- Mosaicism

Advantages of PGD?
- It is performed at the preimpantation state i.e befire the onset of pregnancy. PGD helps to increase the chances of having a normal baby.
- PGD helps to increase teh pregnancy rate and decrease the miscarriage rate.

How Preimplantation Genetic Diagnose (PGD) is done

How Preimplantation Genetic Diagnos Performed (PGD)

For PGD enbryos need to be generated in vitro. It must go through the ICSI procedure. The embryo are cultured in viro,byopsy is performed on the third day of fertilization and bad cells are removed from embryo. The biopsied cell is subjected to genetic diagnostic testes like FISH or Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR). The results of genetic analysis are avialable in 12-36 Hrs. Once the results of the genetic analysis are obtained the enbryo which are normal are then trafsfred back to have the healthy baby.

Basic steps of the PGD are:
  • Down Regulation
  • Ovarian stimulation
  • Oocyte Retrieval
  • ICSI
  • Embryo Culture
  • Embryo Biopsy
  • Genetic analysis (FISH or PCR)
  • Embryo Transfer
How is embyo biopsy performed?

Cleavage stage embryo:
1- A hole drilled in the zona using laser or acid triodes
2- aspiration pipette broght close to the blastomere to be aspirated
3- the blastomere is aspirated with gentle suction
4- single blastomere with the nucleus clearly visible which is subjected to FISH or PCR.

What is Preimplantation Genetic Diagnose (PGD)

Many of couples have genetic disorder, and they have high risk of transmitting the genetic disorder to their offspring. Since now there was no technique to detect the same prior to the pregnancy being achieved. Preimplantation Genetic Diagnose (PGD) is new hope to detect the genetic disorder.

Preimplantation genetic testing is a technique used to identify genetic defects in embryos created through in vitro fertilization (IVF) before pregnancy. Preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) refers specifically to when one or both genetic parents has a known genetic abnormality and testing is performed on an embryo to see if it also carries a genetic abnormality. In contrast, preimplantation genetic screening (PGS) refers to techniques where embryos from presumed chromosomally normal genetic parents are screened for aneuploidy.

Because only unaffected embryos are transferred to the uterus for implantation, preimplantation genetic testing provides an alternative to current post conception diagnostic procedures (ie, amniocentesis or chorionic villus sampling), which are frequently followed by the difficult decision of pregnancy termination if results are unfavorable. PGD and PGS are presently the only options available for avoiding a high risk of having a child affected with a genetic disease. It is an attractive means of preventing heritable genetic disease before implantation, thereby eliminating the dilemma of pregnancy termination following un-favorable prenatal diagnosis.

Primary candidates for PGD include the following:
  • Couples with a family history of X-linked disorders (Couples with a family history of X-linked disease have a 25% risk of having an affected embryo [half of male embryos].)
  • Couples with chromosome translocations, which can cause implantation failure, recurrent pregnancy loss, or mental or physical problems in offspring
  • Carriers of autosomal recessive diseases (For carriers of autosomal recessive diseases, the risk an embryo may be affected is 25%.)
  • Carriers of autosomal dominant diseases (For carriers of autosomal dominant disease, the risk an embryo may be affected is 50%.)

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Dr. Anoop Gupta

Dr. Anoop Gupta

We are an infertility clinic based in the heart of capital of India-New Delhi. We are into existence since 1994 and are focused on providing moral, emotional, ethical and most advanced technical support to couples trying out to find a solution to the maze of infertility.

We specialize in each and every aspect of infertility and provide comprehensive services in IUI, IVF, IVF - ICSI, Assisted Hatching, egg donation, embryo donation, surrogate motherhood, male infertility, natural infertility treatments, semen banking, embryo freezing, sexual and psychological problems and try to give moral and emotional support to our infertility patients.

We provide everything under one roof and make best possible efforts to help our patients to get pregnant in shortest possible time. With continuous efforts and hard work of our highly competitive staff, a "STATE OF THE ART" embryology culture lab, availability of embryologist round the clock, we are able to achieve an astounding success rate of 35-40%.

We aim to provide most advanced, competitive services of international standards at an affordable price and try to help you achieve your goal by providing practical alternative solutions.

Infertility - the inability to have children - affects approximately one in six couples of fertile age. The causes could be due to female or male factors, or a combination of both. Common beliefs that infertility was untreatable led many couples to lead meaningless and unfulfilled lives.

The fact is that infertility is both treatable and curable. And today, with global advances in infertility management and procedures, more and more couples can look forward to realizing their dreams.

Even in cases of no sperms, low sperm count, low motility, obstructive azoospermia, conditions like congenital absence of Vas, testicular dysfunction, Testicular atrophy, sertolicell only syndrome, maturation arrest. A couple can realize their dream of having their own child with the help of micromanipulation technique.

Since 1994, the Delhi IVF & Fertility Research Centre has been filling the gap, fulfilling a need and meeting the demand for state-of-the-art facilities in infertility management in India. With a dedicated set up under one roof, we have achieved an astounding success rate of over 40%

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Treatment for sperm problems - Oligospermias

Oligospermia is a condition in which abnormally low number of sperm in the ejaculate of the male. The normal range of sperm count is between 20 million/ml and 200 million/ml. That sperm count is below 20 million/ml indicates oligospermia.

A Men with low sperm counts or low motility often ask for treatment to correct the defect. Unfortunately, this is not often possible. Many cases of sperm abnormalities are genetic in origin. Since there is currently no way to correct such genetic defects, we end up working with the couple in ways that will (hopefully) increase their reproductive efficiency. This usually involves either intrauterine insemination, or in vitro fertilization (more below).

Hormone deficiencies

If the man has a hormonal deficiency, it might be treatable with medications. These are rare cases.

Varicocele ligation

A varicocele is an abnormal tortuosity and dilation of veins of panpiniform plexus within the spermatic cord. If there is a varicocele, it can be surgically treated - which might help fertility in some cases. However, well controlled studies of surgery vs. no surgery have failed to consistently demonstrate increased pregnancy rates with surgical correction. Some studies have shown better pregnancy rates after surgery, but other studies have shown lower pregnancy rates following surgery...

Clomiphene citrate (Clomid, Serophene) for the infertile male

Some men with relatively mild sperm abnormalities have been treated with clomiphene citrate (tablets) in an attempt to improve the semen. According to published medical literature, Clomid for the male sometimes can improve the sperm count or motility. However, well-controlled medical studies have shown no increase in pregnancy rates.


Intrauterine insemination and in vitro fertilization

Mild to moderately low sperm counts and/or motility: Inseminations for about 3-6 months, then consider IVF with ICSI if not pregnant. Severely low counts and/or motility: IVF with ICSI

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Increase IVF Success rate by selecting Right Embryos

For in vitro fertilization (IVF) new noninvasive techniques to select embryos could boost pregnancy rates and lower the number of risky multiple births. Scientists are using proteomics and metabolomics to screen the liquid that embryos are grown in prior to implantation in order to search for telltale signs of a healthy--or unhealthy--embryo. Some tools for screening could be commercially available in the next year.

Embryos created for IVF are typically selected for implantation based on their morphology, or how they look. But this process is notoriously inaccurate: an embryo can look perfectly normal but still fail to implant in the uterine lining--the first step in a successful pregnancy.

While success rates vary, experts predict that about two-thirds of healthy-looking embryos that are transferred into the uterus fail to implant. Women undergo an average of three rounds of IVF before achieving a successful pregnancy, and each round costs approximately $20,000.

Multiple embryos are typically used in each round to increase the chance of success. But this approach can lead to complications. One of the biggest problems with assisted reproduction and IVF--even as we have gotten better--is multiple births. Because of our inability to select an embryo that has the capacity to make a baby, we transfer more embryos, particularly as women get older." Multiple births can lead to premature delivery, putting babies' health at risk.

While scientists don't know exactly why so many embryos fail, genetic abnormalities are likely a major culprit. Fertility specialists have had some success using genetic testing to pick embryos--they can screen for a number of genetic diseases--but this testing requires plucking a cell from the developing embryo, which is potentially risky. Also, the tests can only detect a limited number of known genetic defects.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Embryo Grading and IVF Timetable

You can ask the Lab Director (or physician) to give you progress reports on the development of your embryos. Critical points in development are (1) fertilization, (2) 4 to 8 cell stage and (3) morula to blastocyst stage.

Numeric grading systems for multicell embryos usually have 4 levels:

Grade 1: even cell division, no fragmentation
Grade 2: even cell division, small fragmentation
Grade 3: uneven cell division, moderate fragmentation
Grade 4: uneven cell division, excessive fragmentatio

The following is an approximate timetable of events for IVF:

Day 0 Egg retrieval Sperm collection and preparation Insemination
Day 1 Check eggs for fertilization (the presence of two pronuclei or PN's)
Day 2 Embryos at the 4-cell or more stage of development
Day 3 Embryos at the 8-cell or more stage of development
Day 4 Embryos at the compacted morula (16-32 cell) stage
Day 5 Embryos at the blastocyst stage of developmen

The number refers to the degree of expansion of the blastocyst (1 is the least expanded, 6 is the most expanded). The first letter (A,B, or C) refers to the quality of the inner cell mass (the part of the blastocyst that is going to be the baby) and the second letter (A, B, or C) refers to the quality of the trophectoderm (the part of the blastocyst that is going to be the placenta).

Multicell embryos that recieve grade 1 or 2 often develop to the blastocyst stage, those receiving grade 3 or 4 rarely develop to the blastocyst stage. Sometimes the laboratory uses the reversed scale where a grade 4 embryo is equivalent to a grade 1 embryo on the above scale. Please Check with your lab.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Career women avoding sex

Many women turn to IVF too quickly. Now these days career women are avoiding sex and seeking inappropriate IVF treatment to have instant babies, doctors have claimed. It is estimated that one in seven couples have difficulty conceiving. However, many women take up IVF treatment, before they discover this because they are simply too busy or tired to have sex.

Just like technology,now couples think IVF a technology to have easy baby. India being bit conservative, ratio of these cases are high in developed counteries. Although IVF treatment costs from 1 to 1.5 Lac in India for just one typical cycle, and chances of success in First IVF cycle are less, still people opt for IVF.

The chances of conceiving of a woman under 35 with IVF is around one third. A woman the same age who has sex regularly for a month has a one in four chance of conception. However Delhi IVF discourage women from seeking treatment if they have not tried to conceive naturally. We always there for treatment for people who are unable to have baby naturally.

IVF also do not hold good results above 38 or 40 year of age. Male factor also there for OLD age couples. So even if you delay in family by choice chances to have babay by naturally or by IVF are alwasy less.

Monday, March 29, 2010

Male Infertility

According to the National Institutes of Health, male infertility is involved in approximately 40% of the more than 2 million infertile married couples in the United States. One-half of these men experience irreversible infertility and cannot father children, and a small number of these cases are caused by a treatable medical condition.

In men, hormone disorders, illness, reproductive anatomy trauma and obstruction, and sexual dysfunction can temporarily or permanently affect sperm and prevent conception. Some disorders become more difficult to treat the longer they persist without treatment.

Sperm development (spermatogenesis) takes place in the ducts (seminiferous tubules) of the testes. Cell division produces mature sperm cells (spermatozoa) that contain one-half of a man's genetic code. Each spermatogenesis cycle consists of six stages and takes about 16 days to complete. Approximately five cycles are needed to produce one mature sperm. Energy-generating organelles (mitochondria) inside each sperm power its tail (flagellum) so that it can swim to the female egg once inside the vagina.

It is difficult for any person to admit that they have a fertility problem. However, because of the old fashioned idea that women are typically the cause of infertility issues, many men find it especially hard to admit that they might be the one with the problem. When going for fertility testing, it is important for the male partner to undergo a semen analysis in order to assess how well his sperm work. This simple test can provide fertility specialists with a great deal of insight into a man's fertility.

In almost half the cases of subfertility, there is a male contribution to the problem. The initial investigation requires a sample of semen for analysis. This is usually produced at home after abstaining from ejaculation for 2 to 3 days. A shorter time than this will reduce the total number and longer abstinence can lead to a falsely high number of poorly motile (slow swimming) sperms. The sample needs to be delivered to the laboratory within one hour for analysis. The following are considered a normal result:

Volume: 2-5mls
Concentration: more than 20 million per ml
Motility: more than 50% progressively motile
Form: more than 30% normal appearance
White blood cells: less than 1 million per ml

We clinics suggest two samples should be received for analysis, particularly if there are any abnormalities with the first test. It takes around 74 days to make sperm, so if 2 samples are checked in a shorter time than this, it is likely that they are from the same population. This might be important if, for example, a man had a viral infection, or a poor result followed a period of particularly heavy alcohol intake. In this case, it would be better to delay the second sample for 3 months.

There are several other specialised tests for semen analysis, but these are not routinely recommended, as their ability to predict infertility and direct the correct treatment has not been proven. One particular test is the anti-sperm antibody test.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

How to deal with Miscarriage after infertility treatment

Spontaneous abortion (SAB) or miscarriage is the term used for a pregnancy that ends on it's own, within the first 20 weeks of gestation. Often the medical name spontaneous abortion (SAB) gives many women a negative feeling, so throughout this information we will refer to any type of spontaneous abortion or pregnancy loss under 20 weeks as miscarriage.

Miscarriage is the most common type of pregnancy loss. Studies reveal that anywhere from 10- 25% of all clinically recognized pregnancies will end in miscarriage. Estimations of chemical pregnancies or unrecognized pregnancies that are lost can be as high as 50-75%, but many of these are unknown since they often happen before a woman has missed a period or is aware she is pregnant. Most miscarriages occur during the first 13 weeks of pregnancy. Pregnancy can be such an exciting time, but with the great number of recognized miscarriages that occur, it is beneficial to be informed on miscarriage, in the unfortunate event that you find yourself or someone you know faced with one.

Sometime this leads to Infertility and then couple look for solution. In fact in IVF also you can have miscarriage due to many reasons. Lymphocyte Immune Therapy (LIT) is the new way of treating the same.

Normally after ovulation, the egg travels into the fallopian tube. Fertilization occurs here. This embryo multiplies and moves towards the uterus and finally settles down in the uterine lining to develop into a fetus. The fetus has two components - One is mother side, the other from the father. If the mother's component is not protected, it can lead to spontaneous abortion as in auto immune diseases. (blood tests recommended are lupus anti-coagulant and anti-cardiolipin antibody). These auto-immune defects can be treated by giving aspirin, heparin and if needed, steroids.

The father's component is not protected as in allo-immune defects. Natural Killer cell activity of the white blood cell (WBC) in the uterine lining can be now tested. If this is raised patient is treated by lymphocyte immune therapy (LIT), using blood of husband or an unrelated person. Lymphocyte Immune Therapy (LIT) is repeated many times until the klller cell activities of WBC's comes to normal levels

When a women has high TNF-alpha, LIT is recommended. A strict Administration is needed during the LIT. DELHI IVF has achieved laurels in managing patients with prolonged infertility & recurrent spontaneous abortions, and post menopausal pregnancies.

How to deal with Infertility

This is not a serious problem. There are now many options available now to have a family. Like IUI, IVF, IVF-ICSI, Egg donation, Surogate mother etc.

People have much more serious problem in life. There is much more in life then having a baby. Don't be psychologically upset. Have a sense of upset- Humour. Take the treatment lightly and don't keep thinking about having a baby all the time. Don't loose your identity & confidence. Stop blaming yourself. You have not done any crime by not having a child. Keep yourself busy. Don't be ashamed. Don't isolate yourself. You are not the only who do not having an child.

Yes sometime its really hard when you actually dream of having a family, but thats not the end of like. Think of whole family and other members, who love and be with you no matter what you are. And above all you always can choose to adopt a child.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Indian intended parent and Intended parents from other countries:

India due to economicaly less costlier and felxible IVF and surrogacy law is now the preferred destination for the tourists for mdical tourism and Infertility treatment, who opt for IVF or surrogacy to fulfil their dreams of motherhood. The ICMR (Indian Council for Medical Research, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India) guidelines provide a very encouraging picture for the these tourists. The ICMR guidelines makes no actual distinction between an ‘Indian Intended Parents’ and an ‘intended parents from other countries.’ So with these advantages India is fast adaptation to newest scientific advancements happening in the medical field worldwide, India as one of the most favoured destination for cost effective medication in the whole world.

Indian Intended Parents encounter very minimal complexities compared to Intended Parents from other nations. Parents who would wish to take up surrogacy as their option should pay attention to issues such as, counseling to the surrogates and themselves, surrogacy agreement, agreements entered with the hospital, agreements with surrogates with regard to financial aspect, etc.

The Indian laws with regard to surrogacy have not yet been enacted and the only regulatory measure is the “National Guidelines for Accreditation, Supervision and Regulation of Art Clinics in India, 2005” by the ICMR, Government of India. Though these guidelines do not have legal binding, they are regulatory measures, which are to safeguard the rights of the Intended Parents, Surrogates as well as the hospitals. Being the Indian Nationals, the Intended Parents are completely bounded by the Indian Laws.
The usual problems faced by the reproductive tourist are with regard to the post delivery complications in taking the child back to their own nation. But India is still the best destination for IVF and surogacy treatents. We at Delhi IVF help you at all level to make it easy for you and make sure that you have no problem relatde to any leagl issues.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Why IVF demand is Increasing?

Health care planners should be aware that the demand for infertility treatment is likely to increase. The average age at first child birth has increased and presumably also the average age at the first attempt to conceive. Demand for fertility treatment from older men and women is rising rapidly as more couples postpone childbearing for long. Up to 30 per cent of women treated in some IVF clinics are aged over 40 and increasing numbers are seeking treatment over 50, according to the latest figures.

The ages of infertile couples has increased over the past five years with almost one in three of the women having IVF at the private hospital being over 40. The upward trend has been seen across the country and is posing medical and ethical challenges.

The rise in divorce rates and second marriages has resulted in increasing numbers of couples wishing to start a second family at a comparatively advanced age.

The opportunity to adopt is now available for very few couples because of the decreasing proportion of illegitimate babies available for adoption. Recent publicity given to developments such as gamete intra fallopian transfer (GIFT) and IVF may have increased the demand for treatment.

Current Life style is also one of the cause to increase in Demand for IVF. Many couple are now have double Income Profile and they normally do not get time to build family. They also have need to settle in career first and when they realize that they need family either they are overage and develop infertility with time.

In Many cases people face problem in second child due to good gap of time when they actually think of second child. In India specially when couple use to get married at 20's and have family by 25 of age. Now in urban section people getting married in the age of 30's and after that they look for career for some more years and that develop infertility.

At Delhi IVF We help People to build family

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Success rate in IVF

Success rate in IVF

In the IVF treatement, the level of response of the ovaries varies greatly when women take the injectable FSH drugs for ovarian stimulation . This leads to a range of eggs being retrieved at the egg retrieval procedure. Before we have stimulated the woman with the FSH containing drugs, antral follicle counts are the best predictor of the response that the ovaries will give, and the number of eggs that will be retrieved.

The main factors affecting IVF outcome include the following:

* Age of the woman ( and consequently, her ovarian reserve )
* Normalcy of the uterus, and semen quality
* Success or failure of fertilization and cleavage in vitro
* Number of embryos transferred and cryopreserved
* Adequacy of the luteal phase after transfer
* Individual Body response and lifestyle.
* Women that respond well to the drugs sometimes will also have better egg quality as well - which will be more likely to develop into quality embryos and better results.

What we ahve seen that Ratio of Success is as under mentioed graph wise.

This statistics may not be appled to an individual patient or couple within an age or treatment group. Success rates vary depending on many factors including the causes of infertility, the adequacy of ovarian reserve, as measured by cycle day - 3 serum FSH, LH, estradiol levels, and the clomiphene citrate challenge test, and the number of eggs, maturity, and quality of eggs retrieved.

In addition, success rates increase as the number of IVF stimulation attempts increase, probably ranging to a maximum of three to four stimulation cycles. Normally There are very less chaces in First attempt. In IVF its more of Body response study along with medication.

At Delhi IVF : Our goal is to help couples achieve their dreams of having children. We do not exclude couples due to the presence of factors that may negatively impact their success rates. In fact we take that as challenge and some time couple also doubt on us for failure. But that is part of our profession. We are happy for them and if they conceive and have a child, nothing is better then that. Some time female come at very high age like 37+where we have low body responce and They do not have normal range of FSH and many other factors.

Some time couple come after First Failure from some where else and so out first IVF is treated as Second. In most of these cased we have very good results.

As the value of all test are crucial for treatment planing, so some time couple also get test doen at various labs where results of test varies.So DELHI IVF suggest the best LABS in Delhi for the same and also offer In house facility for these tests.

So there is not a single factor that effect the Success rate. One should get the treatment done at one place only rather go various places for every IVF attempt. At Delhi IVF, Dr. Anoop Gupta has a very good success rate of 40-50% if you choose to have Multiple IVF/IVF ICSI cycle. In fact we also offer Egg donations and Surrogacy Treatment also, if one really opt for the same, then Success rate is much higher.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Why choose India for IVF Treatment?

Why choose India for IVF Treatment?

DELHI IVF is Delhi's oldest Infertility center, More than 300 patients treated have been treated by Delhi IVF. Dr. Anoop Gupta of Delhi IVF has reached on many mile stones for Infertility treatment. He comments "Every person has right to have a child" and he will be happy to provide all available treatment and help to parents to make it happen.

Few facts about us:
# 1st test tube baby in 1994.
# First IVF-ICSI baby in 1998.
# 250 Surrogacy procedures till 2008
# First blastocyst baby in Delhi 1999.
# 4000 ART babies till Jan.2009
# 500 Pregnancies in post Menopausal females delivered till Jan 2009.
# 600 egg donation till 2009.

The cost of the IVF treatment is comparatively low in India as compared to USA and UK. As law also are very good and give some relaxation to patients to opt for India for treatment.

As IVF is a growing problem world wide and in India also its considerably increasing. In India the infertility cases will increase to double in size in next few year and that wll raise a infertility crises. Although the cost if Infertility treatment is low in India but still out of reach for poor people of India. And due to this more and more IVF center are now coming up. AS Delhi is center of India, its the most preferred location for treatment. Dr. Anoop Gupta of Delhi IVF clinic speak about Infertility as part of life and take it as challenge to cure for everybody.

As many Fertility clinics in UK, Israel, USA are facing big problem in providing Egg donars and also the Surrogate mother for Infertility treatment. In fact these option are very costly there. They also have many restriction by law. India is a obvious choice for Infertility treatment as here the cost os treatment, egg donor or Surrogate mother is far less then these places.

Many infertile couples want to come to Delhi IVF from UK, USA, Israel for their IVF treatment because we are so much more cost effective than US clinics. Our IVF treatment start from the DAY 1 of their arrival and help them to manage it in such a way that they need not to take to much of leaves etc. We fix their treatment in such a way that they can easily can take the IVF treatment progress and even monitor the same.

For more info pls visit

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

The reasons why some patients fail multiple IVF.

The reasons why some patients fail multiple IVF cycles could be very complex, and it may be difficult to find an answer despite extensive workups. In this article, I will discuss the most common reasons why embryos may not implant, the testing that can be done in an effort to find an answer, and some of the potential treatment options available
for what has been called “recurrent implantation failure”. In general, the underlying cause for IVF failure can be attributed to problems with the embryos, the uterine environment, or the patient’s immune system.

As women get older, the quality of their eggs declines and the resulting embryos are more likely to have chromosomal abnormalities. Embryos that don’t carry a normal chromosomal component are likely to be lost soon after implantation or do not implant at all.

A thickening of the zona pellucida (the egg shell) can occur in some patients associated with advanced age, high FSH, or recurrent implantation failure. For those patients, the embryologist in the lab can create a small opening in the egg shell utilizing a technique called assisted hatching, which may help the embryo escape and implant. Using the same technique, skilled embryologists can also remove fragments (cellular debris between the cells) from “poor quality” embryos, improving their potential for implantation.

In some couples, the poor quality of the ir embryos can be also attributed to a male factor. Although the sperm contribution to embryonic development is generally more difficult to assess, a few tests are available that could help identify those cases of male factor with a low probability of achieving a successful outcome. There is some evidence
that high sperm DNA fragmentation is associated with reduced fertility potential, and it can be detected with the SCSA (sperm chromatin structure assay) or the SDD (sperm decondensation assay).

The immune system has been implicated in some cases of pregnancy failure, particularly for patients with recurrent pregnancy loss. Using the same logic, many investigators believe that a number of patients who fail to become pregnant after IVF are actually experiencing a very early loss due to immunological problems, before the pregnancy can be recognized. This topic still remains very controversial, as does the value of the different tests and the treatments advocated to treat the autoimmune disorders.

There are many more Biological Disorder or May be mixed effect of many problem. LIT (Lymphocyte Immunization Therapy) - Lymphocyte immune therapy is used in women with recurrent spontaneous abortions. Or some time IVF Failure also.